
192 console

International standard DMX512 signal channel 192

To control the amount of 12 sets of 16 channels, a variety of different types of amount of all can use

Control rocker X/Y control, manual control is very convenient.

Can be stored 12 program, each program can be stored 40 scenarios.

To meet the needs of the various occasions of use.

With advanced man-machine interface, editing program and the call is very convenient and quick

Make your performance more handy.

Applicable AC100 ~ the ultra wide voltage of 240 v, has perfect protection circuit, ensure running safety control.

Net weight: 3.5 kg

Gross weight: 3.75 kg

Packing specification: 500 x310x130 mm

International standard DMX512 signal channel 192

To control the amount of 12 sets of 16 channels, a variety of different types of amount of all can use

Control rocker X/Y control, manual control is very convenient.

Can be stored 12 program, each program can be stored 40 scenarios.

To meet the needs of the various occasions of use.

With advanced man-machine interface, editing program and the call is very convenient and quick

Make your performance more handy.

Applicable AC100 ~ the ultra wide voltage of 240 v, has perfect protection circuit, ensure running safety control.

Net weight: 3.5 kg

Gross weight: 3.75 kg

Packing specification: 500 x310x130 mm

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