
2048 console

Technical parameters

Voltage: AC90-240 - v 50/60 hz

Channel: 2048 CH

Net weight: 35 kg

Size: 740 x580x160mm

The performance characteristics of

Equipped with four standard DMX signal output, namely

4 x 512 = 512 channels;

Configuration, the amount of 240 sets of different address, or control bus 240

Dimming control;

To control the amount of 40 channels;

Can remember 450 scenarios or procedures, 60 marshalling, 50 snapshots

Technical parameters

Voltage: AC90-240 - v 50/60 hz

Channel: 2048 CH

Net weight: 35 kg

Size: 740 x580x160mm

The performance characteristics of

Equipped with four standard DMX signal output, namely

4 x 512 = 512 channels;

Configuration, the amount of 240 sets of different address, or control bus 240

Dimming control;

To control the amount of 40 channels;

Can remember 450 scenarios or procedures, 60 marshalling, 50 snapshots

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